
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tryin' To Find A House Sounds Easy, Right?!

Today the family and I loaded up to MoMo and headed on souf to Indianer (yes, there are a bunch of intentionally mistyped words in that sentence) to go look at a house.  The Wifey felt I would go (Lady) ga-ga over it.  So, of course, I had to rain on her parade.

Most of the house was actually pretty livable.  It was technically "move-in ready"; it had a new roof, new windows, updated kitchen and bathroom, plenty of office space and storage.  Even the garage was pretty killer.  The current owners converted the attached garage to a live-in area to allow someone to effectively live there adjacent to the house but have a sense of privacy.  I didn't hate the house...but then again, I didn't like it either.

Here's the thing with me.  I have the wherewithal to alllow my purchasing decisions to be based on vibe/gut feeling alone.  If the item I'm purchasing speaks to me, i.e., in my head it screams "BUY ME!", then I go with that.  This house didn't do it for me much to the dismay of my Wifey.  I could settle in it and like enough to live there but it by no means is a house where I'm like "MAN THIS PLACE IS AWESOME!"

Given the logistics of our situation (baby on the way, sick of living in this small 2 bedroom condo with 3 people and a dog, and would like to live closer to our in-laws), I'm allowing the chance for me to settle.  Maybe I could make it a cooler place.  Or maybe I'll grow to like it.  Or maybe I'll have buyer's remorse the whole time.

One thing's for sure, I know what I like...

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