
Saturday, July 12, 2008

Recovering After A Night of Rawk

I must admit that I didn't have a really good idea of how last night's Static Republic show was gonna go. It could've been an incredibly good show or an awful show; no in-betweens would've been acceptable. Luckily, it was an awesome show! We played a good 45 minute set and had a good crowd of folks there. the crowd went from grumpy old men into a decent crowd of 20-30 somethings in a couple of hours. The show went so well, we got payed and we got invited back.

It's nice to be surprised even when I'm a little jaded by the music biz.

Currently watching :
Battlestar Galactica - Season Three
Release date: 2008-03-18

Note: This was originally posted on MySpace with comments at:

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