Today was gorgeous day in Chicago. It was sunny outside, the wind was moderately blowing, and the temperature was somewhere in the 60s. I had performed my promotionathon Friday and Saturday and felt like I could actually take a break from it and enjoy the day.
No sooner than I had decided on doing that, I spent a couple of hour sin the morning creating this for Brat Pack :
Okay, so I lost a couple of hours of daylight!
I decided to head on over to a sports bar that I've been meaning to eat at for a while on Lincoln and Irving Park. When it first opened up, it had a Texas motif to it. So, of course, I had to go and check it out. The owner claimed he was from Austin so we struck up a conversation about what we liked about Chicago and what we liked about Texas. I then sat down to order some non-authentic Texas cuisine. I ended up getting the nachos there which wasn't anything too terribly exciting. It basically tasted like high school football stadium nachos
I got home and promoted the hell out of BP:TM on MySpace by hitting up every local Chicago contact we had on our page with the video
The point of me telling you about my day is that it's the first time this year I've enjoyed being. Yes, just being. I lived moment-to-moment for a while and it was so liberating. I look forward to more of these mini-vacations from myself.
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