Well, the party and the celebration is over and I feel bit hung over. For a guy who doesn't drink, that must mean I exerted myself a bit for my birfday. I did.
We were supposed to have gone to Carnivale last night, but I was informed at a rather late persiod that they had trumped anything going on that night with a private party, thus, the place was closed and we would need to find another place. Uhm, ok. So, I woke up early yesterday and searched for a place to feed people. I decided on Graziano's up in Niles, IL (a 15 minute trip from my house but when I describe it as NILES, IL, it sounds a lot more ominous and far away
). The food was great and the people were better. I definitely have left overs from the joint and I went in hungry like a wolf. Good times!
The Wii festivities were awesome. Although I have Paper Mario and Call of Duty 3, we decided to play bowling, tennis, and golf form the Wii Play pack the whole night. So that went on for like 4 hours. Everybody there got into it at some point and even the older folks were like "Damn, I gotta get me one of these Wiis." I felt it was a success to have folks wanting my gaming system. That's exactly how I felt when I played my nephew's Wii and he's like 7 or 8.
Overall, it was a great birfday. Thank you all who came out and celebrated with me in mind, body, and/or spirit. The gifts were all great and I'm stoked to have such great people in my life!
Currently listening : I’d Like a Virgin By Richard Cheese Release date: 05 December, 2006 |
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