
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Lights, Camera, 5 Minutes of Action!

I went to my first movie audition yesterday evening. The whole experience was surreal. I warmed up at my house with stretches, vocal warm-ups, GTA San Andreas...then headed out.

I got there 10 minutes early and stayed in the car and went over my one and only monologue just in case they ask for one. The audition notice was for improvisers and they mentioned they would be providing a "side", which is a page of the script, 15 minutes prior to the audition itself. However, I wanted to be as prepared as possible just in case they got a wild hair and wanted a bit more.

The character in the script was a lot like the role description they had given me, so, I felt good about that. I got into the character pretty quickly and tried the lines out to a wall in the back complete with gestures, coughs, and little ad-libs to make the character believable and my own.

I was summoned into a room where they had set up a small stage with a chair, microphone hanging above it, a canopy with light semi-circumventing the area and a camera. I shook hands with the directors and producers of the film and they seemed like a jolly bunch. Whoah, this has the inklings of a professional deal! So, I took my chair and got into action!

5 minutes later, I was done reading through the lines the first time and staying on script in character and then a second time with me improvising the scene with a couple of cues from the script. I was a lot of fun! I then proceeded to reshake the same hands as before and walked out feeling pretty good about it. Callback or not, it was a good audition.

The speed at which this audition went made me wonder how many other people were trying out for this. Must be a lot because they wasted no time getting me in, seeing what I could do, and getting me out. It seems that the more and more I audition for things, the less time I get to actually showcase my talent. The good news is, thanks to my warm-ups and a bit of advice from various folks, I get down to bidnez right from the start. FUN!

Currently listening :
By Scabs
Release date: By 29 August, 1994

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