I lived in San Antonio for most of my life. The one thing that set SA apart from other cities in Texas was that even though there were at the time 1 million people there, most people couldn't afford to go see a professional sports team play. The Spurs at the time were a pretty cruddy team, therefore, the tickets were cheap by most standards. Now, they are almost a dynasty of sorts with 4 championships in 9 years. Now people REALLY can't afford to go see the Spurs .
While having a championship team, San Antonians have yet to live up to their newly found status of being a real competitor in the realm of supporting big city sports. Cities like Chicago and LA had slogans like "Threepeat" or "Repeat the Threepeat". The best SA could come up with was "Go Spurs Go". That's something you cheer with at your pee-wee football league games when you're not even really watching it. When they made the first round of playoffs, everyone had GSG on their cars and windows. I thought "couldn't we come up with something a lot more catchier/wittier?" Apparently not. GSG is alive and well. I guess it's such an easy thing to say and not much thought has to go into it that people will go out of their way to chant it in your face when you're trying to eat at E-Z's Bar and Grill.
I think this slogan should've officially replaced GSG:
Currently listening : Gloria Estefan - Greatest Hits By Gloria Estefan Release date: 03 November, 1992 |
Note: This was originally posted on MySpace with comments at:
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