I got a call around 7 PM last night from a film director:
Uhm, Hi Nelson. You sent us your headshot/resume for this film looking for Latino actors? Did you get my emails with the script?
Nelson V
Uh, no.
Hmmm...funny. I sent you like 4-5 emails on it.
Nelson V
I'm sorry but none of them showed up in my inbox. That's weird
Well, ok. Do you have time tomorrow to audition for a role?
Nelson V
Awww, man. My Tuesday is pretty jacked up. What time were you thinking?
Well, I have times from 1-7 PM.
Nelson V
Hmmm, ok, I think I can make it by around 5:30 PM.
Actually, I have someone at 5:45 PM. Could you make it at 6 PM?
Nelson V
Speaking while thinking) That's really strange. Must've been cyberspace gobbling up those emails.
A friend of mine seems to have the hardest time with dealing with cyberspace. Her computer acts strangely at times, emails mystically disappear or never get sent, or she gets a blue-screen-of-death (BSOD) occasionally right as she's writing something. All of those things are normal to me, but it wasn't until I met her did I recognize the user perspective of those things. Casual users see if the computer and the internet are magical boxes of action. When something unexplained happens, it's as if a divine act just occurred, and the only explanation that can be given is "The computer/internet works in mysterious ways".

I've tried to explain what really happens behind the scenes when these situations occur, but lately, I've realized that it's much more fun to leave it unexplained/mystified. Basically, no one is at fault for the disconnect, and it leaves the door open to try again

I got the script last night with a different email addy. It should be a fun audition

 | Currently watching : Fast Food Nation Release date: 06 March, 2007 |
Note: This is going to be posted on MySpace with comments at: