Every year I hear "You're so hard to shop for" during a gift giving occasion (my birfday, Christmas, Boxing Day, etc.). Here's a list of items I'd love to see under a Christmas tree somewhere:
A theremin - I've been wanting to not put my hands on one for such a long time to make cool sounds and master the art of playing the air around.A Line 6 Pod version 2.0 or Line 6 Pod XT - lost mine this year somehow An 88 key MIDI keyboard with weighted keys - I'm looking at learning the piano so getting this would help the studio as well as my foray into musical theatre direction.Norelco electric shaver accessories - gotsta keep this mug trimmed at all times!Second City Gift Certificates - I be shellin' lots of cash for classes. Help a brother out! An inversion table - I love hanging out. Cakewalk Sonar 6 Producer Full Version - Need the tools to make the hits Propellerhead Reason 3.0 Full Version - What's the Reason? It's the shizzle! The Entire Collection of 'OZ' on DVD - This is one wizard I never want to actually meet but love watching! Used PS2 video games Yamaha O1X digital mixer - Gotta mix with feeling...literally Die-cast model of the Nissan Murano - I love my MoMo Survivorman, Season 1 on DVDA MultiTool like a Swiss Army KnifeA Flat-Panel, large screen TV to mount on my wall in my living roomGas-Powered barbeque/grillGifts certificates to:
Best Buy Circuit City MicroCenter CompUSA Guitar Center Music123 Second City Training Center Joel Hall Dance Studios Urban Oasis Spa PetSmart Target Home Depot iTunes Dick's Sports Zanies
Cool art for my walls in my homeRichard Cheese CDs - I LOVE RICHARD CHEESE! Please buy them for me  Tickets to Incubus on February 6th, 2007 in Chicago. It sold out before I could get some Sleeper Cell Seasons I & II on DVD - Gotta love that Darwin!
I, of course, reserve the right to append to the list as I think of stuff to add. Use it as a guide. Get creative on your own. If it comes down to you wishing me a happy holidays and giving me a pound, cool   | Currently listening : The Funky Headhunter By MC Hammer Release date: By 01 March, 1994 | |
Note: This was originally posted on MySpace with comments at:
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