I got reprieve from the scheduling gawds last night. While falling asleep in the holding area, my phone vibrated me to life. In a very discombobulated state, I answered the phone and it was the casting director on the other line asking me, "Aren't you supposed to be working?!" I was thinking, "What kind of question is that to start a conversation off with?!" So, I was completely thrown off as to the identity of the other person was. I asked in a sleepy manner, "Uhhh....what?" "Aren't you supposed to be filming right now?" asked the other person. I still had no clue who this person was so I gave up the urge to play a game of pretending knowing who the person is on the phonne and socially engineering their identity based on comments and questions designed for them to share pertinent information. I blurted out, "Who is this?!" The CD gave me her name and I was like, "Ohhhhh...sorry!" I explained to her that I've been used twice the entire time we were there while others not at all. She commiserated with the experience for a bit but in a way letting me know "Well, that's the bidnez for ya, kid!" She then gave me tonight's call time of 7:00 PM. We'll be shooting till at least midnight tonight (party!). At least I got to sleep in this morning and not miss my Conservatory class. Yeah!
So, yesterday was a bit more fun than the day before. We got to show up later (7:45 AM), enjoyed better food (we got breakast!), and at least I got used more often. My favorite scene shot with me in it was a bagging scene. There were five lanes of baggers in the background while the principle actors did their thing. Of course, I am in the lane furthest away from the action. They gave me a lane with no actual cashier nor food items! I was like, "This is some boolsheet! What kind of broke-ass supermarket is this? 'We just hire individuals to `air bag`'" One of my castmates was gracious enough to give me 6 items to bag from his lot. I thought about asking them whether or not this setup made any sense, but feared they would put me back in the holding area , and, thus, not be in the shot. So I kept my mouth shut and giggled the entire time we bagged. I made up items to bag. I took stuff out of the bag and shook them then rebagged them. I grabbed then next plastic bag andshook it to get it open. Yes! I'm an ACTOR!
It was an awkward experience.
The second time in the roughly 12 hour day I got used was to stock pizza in the background while the principle actors did their thing in the foreground. Yes! SCREEN TIME! I stocked like no other that day. I did get to dance with some of the directing staff to show a little bit of diversity in my style, and also sway them to think of me whenever they needed an employee in shot Yes, the ham in me does come out to play a lot in this movie!
In the holding area, the ususal things occurred like SOAP talk, complaints about feeding time/food quality/food coniditions, debating whether or not Oprah is evil, and the occasionaly checking of email through my laptop which is the only one there that has an internet connection (gotta love that mobile card!). We met a lot more of the extras that day since it seemed the movie was going for a marahon shooting schedule for some reason (yesterday was day 24 of 30 based on a schedule I saw). They brought everyone in just in case they could get to the next scene in time.
Since I had a show that night, I got to leave right after they announced that everybody had to stay until at least 10 PM. I got to leave at 7 PM and headed over to the second night of "The PeepHole". The play went just as well this time as last except we had a more receptive crowd this time. So, that put the entire cast into a better mood this time around. More people played with their parts since they were more comfortable with their roles and the crowd. I know that my part killed as soon as the announcements came on prior to the curtain opening. So, the crowd was like putty in my hand!
We celebrated afterwards at a local pub that falsley advertises an open kitchen. I was starving when I walked in a bit miffed that they closed the kitchen as I had walked in. Don't advertise unless you want to surprise, my brothas! Anyway, almost the entire cast was their with their friends and family. We danced, joked, and screamed at each other over the loud music. I left after 45 minutes because food was the foremost thing on my mind. Got me some Wendy's along the way home and ate it in the confines of my beautiful condo. Excellent!
Well, I've got to get ready for my Conservatory class. More to come!
Currently listening : The Ultimate Collection By Temptations Release date: By 25 March, 1997 |
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