
Saturday, June 17, 2006

Two For Two

Yesterday I got the opportunity to attend two auditions. For the first one in the morning, I got there 20 minutes early, did 15 minutes of warm-ups then joined the group for a group warm up to get an inkling of whom I would be doing scenes with. Everyone was really nice! I hit the stage 5 times and did really good scenes. I'm happy with my audition.

Later last night, I attended another audition along with what seemed probably 60-80 other people over the course of the night. My group was probably 35-40 deep. The director made sure everyone felt as comfortable as possible by having everyone introduce themselves at the very beginning, thus, we could all be more comfortable as well as have bragging rights that we "auditioned for XYZ with ABC" (nothing like alphabet descriptions to describe an audition to other people). So, I got paired up with two other folks and off we went with script in hand to read, learn, and act out a very, very, hilarious scene where everybody's lines and emotions end in innuendo. We pulled it off and had a great scene. I performed a little lounge act afterwards at the director's request and watched others perform their individual talents.

We went out together afterwards and it turns out one of the guys I auditioned with is also from Texas! We reminisced about San Antonio and Austin and had a pretty good time. I was joined by a lass I had auditioned with for Conservatory and we played catchup/Conservatory tips & advice for a few moments. Her recollection of my audition was so different than mine. I remembered my first scene being ok and she remembered it being awesome Hey, who am I to argue with her!? LOL. So, it was cool to get some props by someone I auditioned with.

I feel pretty good. Tonight I've got a party to attend so I will take some time to celebrate my 2-0 audition day. Regardless of the outcome, it was a good day.

Currently listening :
All Because of You
By U2
Release date: By 03 November, 2005

Note: This was originally posted on MySpace with comments at:

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