I got to thinking about it and asked myself, "Why do you put so much stock into it?" It's because deep down inside I feel it would be a small bit of respect and validation to what it is that I do. I can't deny I want the respect and validation from my colleagues even when I shouldn't. When I do shows, audiences are entertained, people get more than their money's worth, my peers who do see the show love it, and I feel a huge sense of satisfaction.
I strive to be deemed "worthy" by the cool kids :(. I hate that I feel this way. It's coming from a deeper sense of never feeling good enough. And I know that even if we do get into the festival the way I'd like, I may not be ready to shake this feeling.
I'm hyper-focused on it right now because I don't have anything else truly eating up my thoughts. I remember when I was in my training days doing 5 shows at the same time. It may not have been my best work in any one show because my focus was spread pretty thin; however, I loved it because I felt wanted and if I had a bad night/rehearsal with one, I didn't dwell on it because I had 4 other chances to do good work. I was too busy to give a fawk.
At the same time, being so busy may have been masking this sense of emptiness I feel when I've got 1 or 2 projects going on. I have to find a peace regardless of what I'm working on and just "know" that I'm good enough no matter what others may think. I have my moments where it's possible but it's never permanent.
So, I'll continue working on feeling worthy and loving myself even if I perceive the rest of the world doesn't recognize it. I do hold onto the hope that one day it'll happen the way I want it to; maybe, it already has and my narcicism/pride/ego get in the way of seeing it. At least, I'll avoid jumping into more projects just to fill up that hole I feel.
Sorry end on a downer. I'll lick my wounds, process, and move on :)