I got a phone call that rudely woke me up. I could've ignored it, but I figured it might be important (tell me, what's more important - sleep or finding flight information?
The cool thing about owning your own studio is that you have access to it all of the time. One bad thing is that you don't ever have someone willing to help you out so you have to do everything yourself. I detest doing my own vocal takes. I'm far too critical and insecure about them. My first instinct is to stop recording and fix everything with Auto-tune and studio trickery. However, I was relatively in a peaceful state of mind from my rest and just wanted something down on tape. So, I just kinda went for it. No vocal warm up. No multiple takes. I sang the song three times straight through and did the essential backup vocals. I then took a break and took Munky for a walk while I forgot about the takes themselves. I returned and was pleasantly surprised at the outcome. I had enough material to make a really decent composite vocal track! So, after doing so and doing a bunch of other vocal tracks, I finished "Hypocrite", a song that honestly has been sitting around for the last 4 years to be finished
I listened to it in the car and still am pretty proud of it. Yes, there are somethings I'd like to fix but they are very minor and if I do it right, you won't have a clue I fixed it
Currently watching: Penn & Teller - Bullsh*t - The Complete Third Season Release date: 2006-10-03 |
Note: This was originally posted at Myspace with comments at http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=16074757&blogId=459696052