
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

All Stiff And Nowhere To Go

Last night during rehearsal I pushed the stretching of my neck a bit too far and heard a mutliple SCP (snack, crackle, pop) go off in the back of my head. Then a slight twinge of pain. I was like "Damn." We ended the rehearsal a bit early and my neck felt ok but not great. I got home and then my neck was in the throes of stiffness. I went to bed that way and had an interesting night of sleep.

I noticed just how heavy my big head was and how important my scalene and trapezeus muscles are. I also noticed at what points I tense up my neck for no logical reason other than habit.

I woke up this morning at 7 and stretched and moved my head and shoulders around to wake up these muscle and get blood moving into them. I feel a lot better, and am grateful for the opportunity to learn something new about my body.

Currently reading :
Berlitz French Phrase Book (Berlitz Phrase Books)
By Berlitz Publishing
Release date: By April, 2002

Note: This was originally posted on MySpace with comments at:

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