
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Best Show Ever!

... that never happened occurred last night. Liquor and Dreams got all set to perform its first Level 5 preview show last night on the e.t.c. stage. Little did we know there was a mandatory attendance of 25 people for the show to actually go on. I think we had 10 or something of which most hadn't even shown up . 5 minutes before we were to start the show we hear "Pack it up!". Then like stunned deer we all looked at each other trying to figure out what the heck just happened. Shortly thereafter we found out about the attendance requirements. The looks on people's face ranged from pure anger to apathy to smiles. It was such a great show, I honestly don't remember it .

Next week, I really would like to see some of y'all in the audience to get the preview season started!

Currently listening :
Burning For Buddy: A Tribute To The Music Of Buddy Rich
By Various Artists
Release date: 04 October, 1994

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